Monday, November 23, 2009
Passive Solar Heaters
Storm still has some problems
Monday, November 2, 2009
BlackBerry Storm OS 5.0.328 Review
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
More on Life with my BB Storm
Saturday, June 13, 2009
New OS for Black Berry Storm
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Verizon...Can you hear me?... NOW?
So I called tech support because the last time this "dead mode" happened, the in-store tech said that it was extremely rare that you would bring the phone back from this condition. So I spent an hour on the phone with a very nice technician who walked me through all the things that I already did on y own. Total waste of time, but I can understand why they must do this. After these evolution did not fix the phone the tech basically told me to try again on my own and good luck. Very polite but of no help at all.
This brings me to the second call to tech support. This time the tech was also very polite and accessed the notes from the prior call. The tech decided that they(Verizon) would send me another Blackberry free of charge. He verifies my shipping address then he says let me check your account status and hits me up for a $37 payment.
To say the least this is annoying to me and I convey this to the Verizon rep on the phone. He then explains that if I do not pay right now they will not send the phone. I asked why this is because the bill is not due til the 19th of each month and this was the 5th. This is the point where everything starts to go to hell in a big hurry.
Annoyed... but paid the requested amount with debit card. The tech tells me to check my e-mail that night for confirmation of payment and shipment would be on the way. The tech also told me that my shipment would be at my home by 12:30pm Tuesday. I checked and the e-mail was there. So I figured things were all good...I was wrong.
I forgot to mention that I have a night job in addition to working for my self in the day time. I worked from 10 pm Monday til 6 am Tuesday on the night job. I decided to stay up until the package arrived, since my two days off from night job are Tuesdays and Wednesdays. No package came Tuesday. Yeah Verizon, got my money, no service on the problem.
Called Tech support for third time on Tuesday at 2:45 pm and no package delivered. Spent a long time on hold while the tech was checking on my shipped phone. While on hold the tech hung up on me. Yeah Verizon, got my money, no service on the problem yet.
Fourth call, and I am full blown pissed off now. This time I'm talking to a fourth different tech on phone and I have to explain from the beginning all over again. I ask if maybe they can call the local store to give me a phone today. They call and of course the local store can't help because they can not want to give me a Blackberry from sales inventory. Yeah Verizon no help with my problem and it must be my problem, but hey you got my money tho.
At this point I ask for supervisor and threaten to take my business some where else. Not only do I not get to talk to a supervisor but I'm told that they will be sorry to lose me as a customer. Like so what go ahead and go. After I calm down a tad, I tell them to send the phone and make sure( before I get off the phone) that it went through. She assured me it did.
OK, now I check my e-mail on Tuesday night and sure enough there is a problem. The shipping address for me is incomplete. What do I have to do to get a break here? But at least they got my money...right?
I called FedEx, fixed the address and they relayed yet another problem. WOW! Are they trying to piss me off! I asked FedEx to call them and confirm pickup and shipping address is correct. FedEx got everything corrected and package picked up.
I checked FedEx website late Tuesday night and the package showed that it was picked up from Verizon. I checked the website again Wednesday am and the package is in transit. All seems to be going thanks to Verizon...but they got my money. FedEx is the hero of the day if they deliver the package. Hopeful that I don't get an empty box from Verizon.
Well time to finish my rant on a completely effed up effort or lack of from Verizon. If you have a similar problem you are going to have to hold Verizon's hand because they won't do anything for you if you don't. Read all e-mails(carefully) sent to you and call tech support and stay on the phone until they answer all your concerns. Be particularly attentive to package tracking numbers or lack of. Be firm firm firm...did I mention firm, but do not cuss these customer Dis-service reps or technicians out. It's not their fault that they work for a company that only wants to take your money but not service any problems. Lastly do not be afraid to call the management if you feel that the rep or tech is not helpful(I will post these numbers online soon). Thanks for reading this post and I hope you can learn from my experience.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Current mood: (letter from teenager) Mom and Step-dad, Hey ,I'm writing you this note to say please get off my back. I don't like chores. It doesn't teach me anything, and wastes my time. I don't like doing my homework. It doesn't teach me anything and it wastes my time. I don't like the part-time job. It doesn't teach me anything and it wastes my time. I don't need your advice on life's lessons. It doesn't teach me anything and it wastes my time. I don't like it when you ground me. It doesn't teach me anything and it wastes my time. By the way the judge said that if my bail gets paid, I can get out of jail before the weekend. I received a letter from my girl. She's pregnant and has agreed to get an abortion. She doesn't want to see me any more because I got mad and hit her when she wouldn't do what I wanted. I can't afford the bail or the abortion. I was expecting my last check after I got fired from my job, but my boss sued me for the damage I caused because I got mad when he fired me for not coming to work. The judge said that he would set bail only if I re-enroll in high school. Of course I have to go to a different school than my last one because I got mad and assaulted a teacher when they scolded me for not doing the homework. The judge also said that I must enroll in an anger management and substance abuse treatment programs. So I was wondering if you could help me. I don't know if I will be able to pay you back with me going to school,rehab, and anger management and all. It doesn't look like I will have any free time any more. I guess I'm gonna have to do it any way. Saturday is my birthday. I already know what I want, it's a "Playstation Z" console system, and the game "Grand Theft Auto X: Get high and kill everything that moves". I hope you can come through with the money to pay the bail and my girls operation. I don't like it here in jail. I'm not learning anything and it is a total waste of my time. your son |
What's up with games These days?
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Next generation BB Storm request
OK, having said all that, I would like to say that I love my Storm. It works so well at keeping me informed as well as my partners and family(see my rant posted earlier on this blog). The Storm also keeps me entertained during moments of down time. I tell you, if you don't have time or space for messing with your laptop, the storm is the next best thing to have. Well OK let's get to it.
- As discussed in my prior rant and numerous reviews, the back lighting leaks through the function buttons and the screen edges between the case. This is an easy fix for RIM and one might beg to wonder why it was not taken care of before. Fixing this will only serve to impress more people by showing what a well thought out design should look like
- The next gen Storm would be cool if it had three screens Alla clam shell design. One touch screen on the outside to facilitate using phone and other features without opening clam shell. Two screens inside, one a touch screen for keyboard and various functions. The inside screens should also however combine to make a huge(for a cell phone) screen to play games, watch movies, surf the net or usage of applications.
- The case should be similar to look and feel of the current Storm. I really like the glossy black with the shiny metal trim. Very sexy/classy look that I get many comments on.
- All current capabilities are great and should be included. We are here to push the form even further right?
- The current Storm is pretty responsive, but like any thing else could probably faster. It doesn't matter to me how they(RIM) do it. They could utilize a newer faster CPU or create an awesome new OS.
- Internal data storage could be way better with a gigantic leap of 100GB harddrive, ramdrive, or new flash ram technology.
- Hopefully the Verizon 4g mobile network will be up and wide spread coverage available. Next gen storm should not only take advantage of 4g, but wifi and any other wireless data standard. Native wireless tethering to laptop to take advantage of the broadband modem mode.
- Built-in high quality stereo speakers and standard size stereo headphone jack(maybe two jacks to share with friend). Sound could also benefit from active digital sound processing presets and or equalizer (for speakers and headset).
- Battery capacity is another area that could be improved by making sure that the battery last at least 8hrs. I'm not saying this lightly. I mean 100% guaranteed 8hr battery life per charge.
- I would also like to see a friendlier OS, not because I can't figure it out, but because I want to see more people use it. It needs to look friendly and look and spectacular too.
- Internet browsing needs to be faster and more like browsing on your laptop. A flash video player should be included as well as full java support. I'm probably forgetting other plugins or apps, but I think I have made my point clear.
Well I think that is enough to get us started, I'm sure everyone has some ideas and I would love to hear them. What's the worst that can happen? They listen to us and make their best Blackberry ever. That's what we want. Catch ya later.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Blackberry Storm likes and grips
- fit and finish are hands down sexy, some back lighting leaks through around touch screen and buttons. I gotta tell ya this isn't near as bad as most reviewers made it out to be.
- The touch screen is clear and bright, able to be seen in the daylight. downloaded and watched full length movies that were DVD quality and beautiful. Now lets talk about the sure type touch screen. Typing is a challenge but gets better as you learn to how to use this feature. To be completely honest this would drive me nuts if I had to edit long documents on the fly. You will make several mistakes just twittering. could be much better, but still not a deal breaker.
- Web browser is average to slightly below due mostly to constant resiszing the screen to select a hyper link. This is enough to tick you off right away. The other thing that bothered me was the absense of flash video player. Without flash player youtube has to be watched from the Verizon client, and no hulu or other video streaming services that use flash, unless you have aspecial client software. This is definately the long way around to do the same thing.
- Works great in tethered mode to my laptop. Verizon broadband service is slow but when there is no other way to get online, this is better than dial-up. Very workable in the field.
- Sound is very loud and pretty good(miss stereo speakers though). Stereo sound is available through bluetooth enabled stereo head sets and standard stereo headsets and the sound is great if you take the time to try all the equlizer preset modes that only work on the headsets. Ripped DVDs that I own and loaded on to the Storm, and they sounded so good. Mp3s also sound second to none through the headsets(depending on the source quality). Phone calls are kinda tinny sounding through handset(much better sound on speaker phone.
- Applications are best when they are specifically designed for the Storm, otherwise it is hit or miss, meaning all Blackberry apps do not work on the storm. Most do but check to see if the is a Storm specific app before installing.
- The operating system(OS) is pretty good for my style of use. I especially like all the ways to stay in touch with people 7 e-mail acounts,SMS,MMS,PIN,and instant messaging, oh and the phone(what else can you ask for?). OK (remember instant
messeging) how about preloaded Facebook, Youtube, Flickr, and Myspace client software. Not enough? Remember I mentioned instant messanging not one preloaded clients but five(Yahoo,AOL,Blackberry,Googletalk,Windows Live).Now for the not so so good the phone has crashed to the point where I had to take the battery out and reinstall it and then power up. In Blackberrys defense, I do tend to push the phone past its capabilities by too much multi tasking. Which brings us to the fact that the phone is multi tasking capible...keep it down to two tasks at the same time and you should be ok. I get into trouble because I am twittering, listening to music, and browsing at same time. Just to help you out my phone crashed maybe 6 times in three weeks always because of the fore mentioned reason. In my opinion the OS is stable but can be tweaked in future updated versions(look how much they have fixed so far). It stinks that we have to do the beta testing after we buy what we believe is a whole and viable product. My personal opinion is that this device can doe so many things pretty good and it will only get better as new updates are introduced. I did not cover everything that the phone is capable of, but instead the key points that I have found. All in all this is a very handy device, you can and will be doing business on this phone, as it exists now and better in the future. I'm already thinking about what the next gen Storm should bring. Not that RIM listens to me ....YET!!!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
-faster wifi (802.11n spec maybe)
-touch screen data entry
-add bluetooth (headset for voip, head phones for games and music)
-dual core cpu or at least a fast single core
-productivity apps (calender, contact list, e-mail, ect. )
-louder speakers,better sound quality
-lose the UMD drive, replace with faster tech
-better battery life
Thats all for now, but I would like to hear more from everyone.